How To Tell Your Boss You’re Quitting During Covid

With new working conditions caused by unprecedented public health safety practices leading 100’s of thousands of workers to change up their routine, many of them are considering whether they want to continue working the same job. The Covid pandemic may seem like a scary time to leave your current position. But there has never been a better time to quit your job for life.

  1. Ask for a one-on-one meeting with your boss either in person, via telephone, Zoom, etc.
  2. Tell them you are quitting calmly and briefly. And don’t feel bad. This happens all the time
  3. Have a plan in mind to transition your responsibilities to other people in your organization
  4. Give formal two-week notice (or other contractual notice period) in writing, clearly stating your last day of work
  5. Before you give notice, have a plan for yourself on what you will do after you leave!

Taking steps to quit your job is actually the easy part! Having the confidence to take the steps towards a better life and knowing how to break out of the employment abuse cycle, take work. Let me walk you through that here.

Why You Should Quit Your Job During the Covid Pandemic

New working conditions have almost everyone reevaluating their working life. I know I was. And, in fact, I resigned from my only in-office job at the start of the pandemic to go full time in my previously side hustle.

Now is the time to quit if you –

  1. Are hoping to find a work at home position
  2. Be your own boss
  3.  Have Realized that your job is not where you want to be for the rest of your life

Everyone that has been paying attention knows that times are changing and working conditions will never again be the same.

During the pandemic, 41% of employees were likely to have worked remotely at least some of the time. Some businesses have reached 80%+ rates of remote work.

At the same time, online business revenues have reached record highs. With more and more money flowing through the internet, the time to get on board this boom is sooner rather than later.

Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful

— Warren Buffet

Why You Should Burn Your Bridges

While common wisdom is to leave your current position on good terms with your employees as possible. If nothing else, because no industry is so large that stories of bad employees don’t get around. Plus, you may end up working for this same employer again in the future.

However, leaving yourself an open door to come back to is not the way to make a lasting change in your life.

If you are ready to stop being an employee today, I highly recommend you respectfully close that door forever. Just knowing in the back of your mind that you could probably get your old job back if you really need it is too much of a safety net to keep you moving forward out of the rut of wage slavery.

How to Quit YourYour Job and Be Your Own Boss

As I said before, quitting your job is the easy part. But being your own boss is the goal and ideal that everyone should strive for at some point in their life.

With the internet and numerous opportunities that me and my students are taking advantage of, there is no reason to leave your job and not have an income!

In as little is as an hour a day, you can start to build up a side hustle or side income that can quickly replace your entire income. Having the knowledge and skills to earn money in your chosen field before you drop your day job is the sure-fire road to success and independence.

Related Questions

Do you have to tell your boss why you’re quitting?

No. While they may ask for details, at-will employment means you are free to quit at any time for any reason. While you are free to give polite feedback if you wish, it is better to remain brief about where you are going and why.

How do I give notice at work with Covid?

Preferably, schedule an in-person meeting and bring a printed letter of resignation. Otherwise, schedule a phone or Zoom, etc call with the boss and send them a resignation email. In some states, you may need to send them a physical letter of resignation, in which case mail it to them with signature on delivery.

Is a 2 week notice 10 or 14 days?

Typically 2 week notice is 14 calendar days. So, if you quit on a Tuesday, then your last day would be the second Monday. However, this is a courtesy period for the employer, and they are not required to have you work all or any of the two-week period.

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